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Panthers U9's Raise Thousands!

During the current lockdown and with no football currently being played. Our Panthers U9s have been hard at work raising money for two great charities.

They have been traveling around the country (Virtually) to all their favourite teams stadiums. The initial mileage target was 561 miles, taking in the boys favourite stadiums including the Jonny Rocks, Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge.The boys can clock up miles by walking, running, cycling, scooting or by practicing their football skills (15 minutes = 1 mile). To keep it fresh we have also had a multi sports day, birthday message day's and a zoom HIIT class.

"I decided that it would be a good motivator for them and their parents if they also raised some funds for charity, I selected NHS and FARESHARE South West, setting a target of £200 based on £20 per child. It quickly became apparent that we were going to raise a lot more than that and we now have over £3000! This is around 6000 meals for FARESHARE. We completed that journey in 17 days so we decided to extend the trip to 1000 miles before we arrive back in Tewkesbury. All the boys and parents have been amazing, and the feedback I have had is that they have really enjoyed getting out and about even in the recent cold weather. The only complaint I have had is that everyone's lawn is being ruined by the football practice!"

Matt Cotton, U9's Panthers Manager.

It's fair to say that this U9's team have been a great reminder that we all can contribute to helping in this current climate!

For what has been essentially over a whole season, Covid-19 has effected the very fabric of society and left no where untouched in its effects on us all. In this time we have come to realise and appreciate the heroic efforts from our NHS staff and other front line services in the fight against this virus. But no more could I be proud of the efforts gone in for the fundraising activities undertaken by our very own U9 Panthers Team! Pushing the very ethics of our club to the forefront, the boys and coaches with the help of their parents have surpassed anything far expected of what was thought possible. In the idea to keep the boys fit and mentally motivated through such a difficult time, coaches Matt Cotton and Stu Curtis have enabled the boys to keep it fun and enjoyable in staying healthy whilst also raising money for charities. With a target set out for £200, as of writing the total raised so far is a staggering £3204...... and counting!!! With still time to go everyone involved and especially the boys themselves should be so proud of their achievements! The NHS charities Together and FareShare Southwest will no doubt be ever grateful of the support from the boys! When this time of uncertainty is over and normality can resume, we can look back at a difficult period in our lives and say ‘you made a difference!' Attitude, Respect, Commitment and Fun! You’ve achieved it all boys!!!


James Heath

If you would like to contribute to the fundraising which is being on by our U9s Panthers please click here, to donate.

To follow and show your support on their journey, please click here.

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